BuahBerry like BlackBerry or BauBadan
oke guys , how are you ?
I'm ok but not very well 'cause I can't do anything I can't enjoy my holiday . I can't spend my holiday with you boy * haha boy ? my daddy I mean ( lie lay lie ) * with my wargol with my HM with my brotha , my fam deredamn
just can sleep sleep sleep with my smell bed pillow grgrgr with my piggy doll with my BuahBerry and my lyeptyop haha
I wanna write something about a girl and a boy who has love * ih apa banget coba * actually I write about this 'cause some of my friend have a boyfriend or girlfriend haha maybe I'm mupeng *grrr bahasanya* NO NO NO . I am thinking about them about her/his relationship . sometimes I really2 wanna have boyfriend * ah langsung bete nulis kaya ginian ttg cowo * good boyfriend ofcourse . * ini kalo abank gue baca gimana ini haha * . I was had a bad relationship with my ex and I was had a really2 bad hts .
oke , I wanna say thank you sooooo much to my brotha , 'cause in the evening he bought some sushi for me hihi and now I feel sooo fat grgrgr . It's ok yiha yiha :)
do you want to know about my raport guys ?
I think that's better than my old raport eergghh zz
and now I really really want you here beside me * apasih najong banget *
* actuallly I don't know I wanna write about what , bla bla iseng *
what are you doing guys ? -,-
missing you soooooo *cih
you know , now I can't write anything in my bbm 'cause my sister always tell my mom or my other sister aaahhh I hate it .
ohh God , I'm so cute *bleketek* ( baca : item ) there , la la la .
devina's picture huahuahaha
ngggajelasnggajelas bla bla bla
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